Alliance Franchise Brands introduces HOLD PLUS, the new entertaining message-on-hold marketing.
Your callers look to you for creative solutions to their marketing and printing needs. While they're on hold, show them how creative you really are! HOLD PLUS educates and entertains your callers on hold with fun, creative and informative messages about your products, services and promotions. Every HOLD PLUS message delivers intrigue, curiosity and inspires callers to ask you for more!
Stay current with HOLD PLUS and keep your messages fresh by updating 3 times annually for only $100 each. If you need a HOLD PLUS player, we've got you covered for only $280. Now you're all set!

of callers prefer listening to messages while on hold
make buying decisions based on information heard while on hold
of callers will stay on hold longer if listening to a message
of callers who hang up on hold will not call back
Listen to some HOLD PLUS examples:
If you're ready to hear your callers saying "While I was on hold I heard . . ."