Welcome to our HOLD PLUS online brochure.

You’ll soon learn that HOLD PLUS is the very best message-on-hold value available, I guarantee it! Your telephone hold button is a very powerful marketing tool.

With HOLD PLUS you will:

  1. Enhance your first impression to your callers and plant your good name in their mind
  2. Increase revenues from every caller by reminding them of special holidays or events
  3. Comfort callers while on hold with interesting and entertaining information
  4. Promote high profit products and up-sell every caller
  5. Introduce callers to new products and services by cross-selling on hold
  6. Present a professional image to all callers

Your HOLD PLUS service will accomplish these things and lots more. Best of all, we guarantee it!

To learn all the details, please enter your information below and click next.

    Your Name:


    City & State:

