Characters Unlimited Script Builder Welcome to your Characters Unlimited script builder Company Name* Your Name*Phone*Email* Character Type Examples: Pirate, moose head, chicken and a farmer, etc.Is this a Fortune Teller Box? Yes No AppearanceExamples: Gender, age, physical traits, unique features, etc.PersonalityEnvironmentExample: where will this character be located, any areas that you would like to be referenced, standing, sitting, etc.Character PurposeExamples: entertainment, marketing, deliver information, education, provide directions, etc.Are there multiple characters in a conversation? Yes No How many in the conversation?Do you want background music? Yes No If yes, what music style?Do you want sound effects? Yes No If yes, do you have any sound effect ideas that you want to share?Will you trigger the messages to play? Yes No If yes, how will your messages be triggered?Statement 1You may already have written statements or you might have a sentence or two that need additional writing. Paste your written statements or provide bullet points and our writers will craft a script. Please provide as much information for each statement as you can. Statement 2Statement 3Statement 4Statement 5Statement 6Statement 7Statement 8Press the SUBMIT button below to send us your information. We'll email you a draft script within 5 business days. If you have questions, you can always call us at 800-298-2222 ext 4.